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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fahrenheit 451

The most common triggers for trouble for Rosacea are typically of a "hot" nature. With elimination of these irritants, most flare-ups will calm down.

Pathogens, sunburn, extremes of temperature, physical and emotional stress , birth control pills, alcohol, intense exercise, hot, spicy drinks or food, caffeine, tea, dairy, wheat, citrus, eggplant, tomato, salty condiments, harsh skin treatments (chemical peels, etc.), cold, flu, allergies, menses, menopause, acne medications, topical cortisone, or any medication that causes the blood vessels to dilate. . . to name just a few.

With so many things to avoid, what can you do to keep the fire under control? The first step is awareness of what is making you red.


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