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Friday, July 08, 2005

The Mystery of Rosacea

East and West
Can no longer be kept apart.
---- Goethe

The Rosacea Stone was created to unlock the mystery of the skin disorder known as Acne Rosacea. This site will provide new and interesting alternative perspectives regarding the physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and archetypal aspects of this skin disorder by integrating Eastern and Western philosophies.

Rosacea has recently become an epidemic in Caucasian women between the ages of 30 -50, fair haired and light eyed. My interest flared, as it were, with the first outbreaks occurring during peri-menopause.

In my extensive research I discovered that Western approaches to Rosacea fail to treat the root of the cause, thereby symptoms will continue to exist. The "cure" to disease in the Eastern system is based upon removing the cause and not the symptom. According to East Indian Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese medicine, rosacea is caused by accumulated heat and toxins inside the body. Once the heat is removed and the body is in balance, the symptoms will disappear.

At "first blush," what appears as a healthy glow in the skin, skin that flushes easily is one of the initial symptoms of Rosacea. Rosacea is a chronic, highly visible skin condition, marked by acute swelling and inflammation. It may begin with a tendency to flush easily, then progress to persistent erythema (redness of skin) and telangiectasia (enlarged blood vessels) along with papules and pustules of the cheeks; nose; forehead; and chin. In more serious cases, the nose is red and bumpy, and the eyes become gritty and red, with a possible loss of vision. Roseacea usually affects women from the age of 30-50; often of Celtic origin with fair, sensitive skin, light eyes and hair.

In considering Rosacea from a deeper level, the Native American Sacred Wheel is a useful diagnostic tool. Starting at the South, what are the physical symptoms that are being manifested? In the West, what emotions are being expressed or repressed? North, what are the spiritual questions that are being asked? And the East, what mental ideas are being brought forth? These and other questions will be explored in deciphering the mysterious and complex Rosacea Stone.


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